Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Can Audi TT be yellow?!

I had a pretty interesting discussion last morning on our way to work with a friend of mine Aydar Nigmatullin ( The point was the first (or the iconic?) Audi TT,- I was trying to convince Aydar that the car is so cool, that it can be any color and would still be awesome!.. "Even yellow?!",- was a provocative question of Aydar... Hm... "A good one!", I thought. So I decided to check if the TT would be still cool even in strange yellow by drawing that by memory (actually, a really cool excercise that is,- to draw existing cars by memory).

I don't know actually right now... I still think though that it would look cool even yellow. However, I won't buy myself the TT in that color...

It seems to me like a taxi, especially from the distance!..


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